Who We Are
Floyd County Productions (FCP) is a multiple Emmy® award-winning animation studio located in the beautiful city of Atlanta, Georgia. Founded in 2009 by writers and executive producers Adam Reed and Matt Thompson, FCP has grown from a crew of 8 artists into a family of nearly 200 amazing creatives. FCP is a full-service animation studio that strives to create the highest quality in animation and digital entertainment. You know, like cartoons and stuff.
Floyd County Productions just wrapped on our original action-spy comedy Archer’s 14th and Marvels Hit Monkey 2. With a bunch of upcoming hush-hush, top-secret stuff that we can only whisper about in the studio kitchen. A kitchen that is stocked with muffins. And bear claws. Don’t forget the bear claws.
Work With Us
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Made in Georgia
Floyd County Productions is an active participant and advocate for the Georgia Film Tax Credit. This incentive, refunding up to 30% on qualifying expenses, keeps our studio price competitive with other studios around the world.
Say Hi!
Please Note: Official FCP communication will come from an @floydcounty.tv email address. Other communication may be fraudulent.